Right of Establishment

CARICOM nationals have a conditional right to establish a business in Barbados.

This is not professional advice. If you need help with an immigration matter, please consult a qualified lawyer.

Table of Contents

Nationals of the Caribbean Community (except Haiti, The Bahamas and Montserrat) have a conditional right to establish a business in Barbados under Article 32 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas.

Requirements prior to arrival

Persons intending to exercise the Right of Establishment must first arrive on island as a visitor and be in receipt of a valid return ticket, with evidence of financial resources that demonstrates to the satisfaction of immigration officials that they can support themselves and their dependents during their stay.

How to apply for Right of Establishment

Once a qualifying person has incorporated a company in Barbados, they must present themselves to the Immigration Department with the necessary documentation to obtain permission to work under that company in accordance with the Right of Establishment.

Documentation that must be furnished

Finding a Justice of the Peace

There should be at least one Justice of the Peace in every local community. You should reach out to your nearest Justice of the Peace to request your documents to be certified.

It is against the law for any person who has been sworn in as a Justice of the Peace to charge, or attempt to charge, members of the public for the certification of official documents.

What to expect if the application is approved

Successful applicants are granted a permit for an initial period of one year in order to establish their business. Within one month of the expiration of that permit, a further application must be submitted to extend the permit on condition that the business is established. The first extension is granted for three years. Any further extensions thereafter may be granted for ten years or an indefinite period depending on the extent to which the business is established.

Frequently asked questions

There is a pathway to permanent residency under Section 5(2) of the Immigration Act, Cap. 190 if you have resided in Barbados as an immigrant for at least five (5) years.

If you have been ordinarily resident in Barbados for at least seven years and, within that period, have resided therein for at least five years, you can apply for Barbadian citizenship under Section 4(3) of the Barbados Citizenship Act, Cap. 186 if you are a citizen of a country within the Commonwealth of Nations or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, or under Section 7 of that Act if you are a citizen of any other country.

Note: While Rwanda is also a Commonwealth country, the First Schedule to the Barbados Citizenship Act, Cap. 186 has not been updated to include Rwanda on the list. Therefore, Rwandan nationals who are eligible to apply for Barbadian citizenship may need to apply under Section 7 of that Act.